
🔥 Did you hear both Paranormal Rail Pass Episodes Last Week?

Hey gang! Thanks to a couple sweet helpers of the Hole, it's come to our attention that not everyone received both Part One and Part 2 of last

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Hey gang!

Thanks to a couple sweet helpers of the Hole, it's come to our attention that not everyone received both Part One and Part 2 of last week's 5.15 | Paranormal Rail Pass episode.

Part One was the free main episode, and part 2 was the Expansion episode.

Some Expansion members only received 1 episode - essentially a duplicate, in both their free and Expansion member feeds.

If this happened to you, checkout and try one of these little fixers below:

Option 1: Delete your podcast app and reinstall it

Option 2: Delete the episode and then clear the app's cache ( here's how on Castbox - )

Option 3: Listen on another platform. Here's the episode on Youtube:

If you have any questions, just reply to this message. Otherwise, stay awesome out there 🔥👊

— Your brothers in the Hole

Belief Hole Podcast

Published a year ago


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