
Having problems streaming the Expansion Episodes?

Dear Belieflings, It's come to our attention that after posting our most recent episode 4.1 EXP Train Tracks of Terror [] , members who

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Dear Belieflings,

It's come to our attention that after posting our most recent episode 4.1 EXP Train Tracks of Terror, members who are subscribed using their private feed and the Castbox app aren't seeing the new episode. If this is the case for you, try unsubscribing on the Castbox app and then subscribing again using your private RSS feed link. This worked for us, but let us know.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we know this is really lame. In addition, if anyone has had trouble on any other apps or playing the episode on the Expansion site, we'd love to hear about it.

Here's a list of other apps that allow you to subscribe to a private podcast feed. (Not all apps allow this. Looking at you, Spotify!)

This is either a vast conspiracy to shut down conversation surrounding the creepiness of the railroad, or it's a minor bug we can hopefully squash quickly. Probably the latter :)

Belief Hole Podcast

Published 3 years ago


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