
We Lost a Loved Member of The Hole Family Today

Today is a hard. Jake - a beloved member of the Belief Hole family, as well as Jon's dog and best friend of the last 9 years, passed

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Today is a hard.

Jake - a beloved member of the Belief Hole family, as well as Jon's dog and best friend of the last 9 years, passed away early this morning. He was loyal and loving, and this sudden turn of events was unexpected and heartbreaking, especially for Jon who spent so much of the last 9 years by his side, dedicated to watching over this irreplaceable rescue pup turned loyal friend.

Some of you have already heard this news and have been super kind and supportive. We're sincerely appreciative to have an amazing community of thoughtful human listeners like you ❤️

Request for Pet Stories

The next episode that drops will be a Listener Stories episode that we had just finished recording.

But we'd like to dedicate the following episode to Jake and focus on the magic of the connection between humans and animals, people and their pets, and some of the anomalous, miraculous, and spiritual accounts people have witnessed.

Whether animal spirit visitation, Near Death pet encounters from beyond, or some other cool story of animal-human connection- if you have them, we wanna hear them.

We're recording this Thursday or Friday (11th or 12). I know it's short notice, so if you don't get them in in time for this recording, you can still submit, and they may wind up on a future episode.

Story Submission Form:

To submit, just click the link below. You can use the form on the following page to write or upload your story, or record a speakpipe by hitting the "Send Voice Message" button at the top of the page.

As usual, thanks for being awesome, guys. Give someone you love an extra hug today, and maybe smile at a stranger or two.

Yours in the Hole

— Jeremy and the Brothers of the Hole, and Jake

Belief Hole Podcast

Published a year ago


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