
Winter Storm Delay! πŸ˜– Youtube Premiere LATER TONIGHT

Hey gang! Well, this sucks! We hit (or rather, were hit by) what seemed like a "snownado". Our Internet was knocked out a couple times while trying to

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Hey gang!

Well, this sucks! We hit (or rather, were hit by) what seemed like a "snownado". Our Internet was knocked out a couple times while trying to upload the episode video for the Youtube premiere.

We obviously aren't making our 7pm PST / 10pm EST premiere date to watch and chat with you guys, but we're going to keep working on it! If it doesn't start by 11pm EST, we'll be there with any belieflings left at midnight.

PS. See facebook group for the video of the snownado. πŸ₯΄ ❄️ πŸŒͺ

Be sure to go to our Youtube - subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss when the premiere goes live!

The Belief Hole

Belief Hole Podcast

Published 2 years ago


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